Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nutrasense Resveratrol - A Natural Antioxidant with Health Benefits

Benefits of Resveratrol:
  • Acts as an antioxidant
  • Helps in reducing the wrinkles and age skin spots
  • Helps to control aging of the skin cells
  • Helps with weight management
  • May prevent damage to blood vessels
  • May support cardiovascular health
  • May protect against risk factors for heart disease including obesity and diabetes
  • May reduce LDL or "bad" cholesteral
  • May present blood clots
  • Resveratrol would trigger the Growth Hormones (SIRT1 and SIRT 2)
  • Helps to fight Diabetes
  • It provides a boost of energy

How Resveratrol Works:

Resveratrol provides your body with naturally ocurring antioxidants. Good sources of resveratrol are grapes, peanuts, blueberries, cranberries and Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum). It has been studied for its cardiovascular and numerous health benefits.

Resveratrol is also a compound found primarily in red wine, which has long been touted as heart healthy. Research suggests the apparent health benefits of red wine, specifically reducing the risk of heart disease, are attributed to resveratrol. Because the amount of resveratrol found in food sources can vary widely, and the amount of food or drink that you would have to consume to achieve results would be excessive. Suppementation is recommended to obtain a consistent intake and proloned results.

Resveratrol is powerful antioxidant, and has been shown to inhibit the degradation of lipids, which are fat-soluble vitamins (including A,D, E, and K) and molecules in the body and prevent lipid perodixidation, During lipid peroxidation, free radicals remove electrons from lipids in cell membranes resulting in cell damage. Because resveratrol also has highly hydophilic (the ability to bond and dissolve with water) and lipophilic (the ability to bond and dissolve in fars and oils) properties, it can offer more effective portection than other well-known antioxidants such as vitamins C and E.

It also contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis (hardening of an artery due to a build up of white blood cells in the arterial wall) by reducing platelet aggregation in the blood. In addition to its antioxidant properties, resveratrol has shown to act as an anti-mutagen.

Ready to be on the way to a healthier body? http://takeresveratrol.com/

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